Aqua Sports’ first ever Windsurf Boot Sale took place on the first Sunday of September and although it was organised at very short notice they had a good turnout and plenty was sold. There was a good selection of first rate kit on offer from some established windsurf boot sale vendors and those interested that did come had serious intentions to buy and went away satisfied with an array of bargain boards, sails and other windsurfing paraphernalia.
Aqua Sports will be holding its SECOND EVER windsurf boot sale on the FIRST SUNDAY IN OCTOBER (Sunday the 2nd Oct) and as it becomes more established and word spreads they hope it will become bigger and better. SO… IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR THAT BARGAIN BOARD, SAIL, BOOM OR FIN THEN COME ALONG; and remember that although they are only 30 minutes from the centre of London the large counry park is only 40 minutes from Brighton and easy to get to from either the M25 or M23. Gates open at 8am for vendors and will run until around 1pm with plenty of tea and bacon rolls available to help shake off those early morning munchies.
For further information and directions either call 01737 644288 or click the link below…