Marketed once again as Kauli’s Twinsers, these boards are said to allow every rider to carve more radical turns on any wave from average onshore days to epic mast-high and down-the-line. The widths and lengths remain similar to last year’s models, but a new hull shape utilising deep double concaves apparently enhances the grip while allowing a faster ride. JP are confident that your waveriding will reach new heights, and recommend the Twinsers for anything from cross-on to cross-off conditions.
Design: At 57cm wide and with a quoted volume of 82L the JP was one of the smallest twin-fins on test. It had the most amount of tail rocker out of the twins, at 12mm, and a 2cm point of 132.6cm, which was one of the shortest planing flats. It also had one of the largest double concaves and a bit of vee.
On the water: We found this board to be the most dependable of all of the twin-fins on test. You could drive it as hard as you liked in the bottom turn and you’d never have to worry about catching a rail. For a twin-fin the JP was blisteringly quick, and therefore jumped really well. It also planed relatively early considering the amount of tail rocker it has. Along with a huge amount of grip, the board was also extremely loose, which allowed you to carve as tight a turn as you wanted. This made it great for the cross-on days in El Médano when you needed to turn through huge angles to get back to the lip with speed to do some frontside smacks. The Twinser was also really controllable when sliding the tail. You could carry it on round into a taka if you had the skill, or simply bring the tail back underneath you with ease and have another go at hitting the lip.
Fittings: The board was supplied with two matching 16.5cm G10 fins which had a nice flex to them. The straps were great, as were the pads; couple this with a lightweight hull and you’ve got yourself a great out-of-the-box package.
Overall: The JP was a clear favourite within the team. Whenever anyone took the board to the harbour wall they had a huge grin on their face from start to finish. The Twinser may not get planing as early as a single-fin of similar size, but compared to the rest of the multifins it was extremely competitive. This board will do anything you want it to in a wave environment: it will grip, slide, carve, smack and jump. Now it’s just down to you!
Click here to read the BOARDS 256 Multi-Fin Waveboard test in full…