14:30 – No more action still here in Ireland, apart from the guys looking around and waiting for the surf to pick up. With no wind at the beach the guys put themselves to use by helping to put back a memorial stone for local windsurfer Fintan.

13:00 – Still no action here in Ireland, next call for competition is 14.00 today, but it’s unfortunately looking a little less windy even though there is now more swell pushing through.
10:11 – no wind or waves here at Gowlane so far, competitors amused theselves with a quick tug of war, which was obviously won by John Skye and his superior team we are waiting to see if conditions will improve, more updates to come.
08:01 – Competitors are heading to Gowlane for 9.00am this morning, conditions aren’t looking ideal but there’s definitely some potential for competition to go ahead. Stay tuned for more to come very soon…