Getting the kit down to the shore should be an easy and refined experience, not one big struggle. The first point to remember is to always take the board down to the shore first. Never ever leave the rig unattached, as it will blow away in even the slightest of breezes. If you follow these simple rules you’ll be able to get your kit down to the waters edge swiftly, safety and looking like you know what you’re doing!
Some larger boards have carrying slots in the deck, if not you can use the daggerboard handle, mast base or footstraps to help tuck the board under your arm. Always try to carry the board so that the board is downwind of your body. This means that the wind helps to lift the board taking some of the weight for you. If you leave the board alone on the shore, point the tail directly into the wind.

You’ll initially find rigs harder to handle, especially in a breeze. The golden rule is to always have the mast facing towards the wind.

In breezier conditions hold the mast and boom by your side, allowing the rig to fly downwind of you.

In lighter winds, it’s possible to carry the rig above your head. Always try to keep the mast facing towards the wind, with the mast base facing forward.
Leave the rig downwind of the board, with the side of the board pointing towards the wind.
To get you gear to the water, stand between the rig and board, lift the rig by holding the boom at the apex of it’s curve and lift the tail or grab a footstrap to help push the board into the water.

Check out more Basics features here on Boards.
Written by Simon Bornhoft Windwise