Colin ‘Whippy’ Dixon and Marco ‘Dancing’ Wedele recently set out on what can only be described as a windsurfers Grand Design. We are not talking about fabricating a new form of house here or renovating an old windmill but instead the holy grail of a European windsurfers life, their trusty van. Well the duo have gone all in with a complete no half measures approach and pimped a ride for their Windsurf Coaching adventures around the European continent. If you haven’t already seen the tale on their blog then we suggest you check it out to find out all the small details, what we have here is an overview of the step-by-step process in what they did with plenty of exclusive shots. Like all great ideas, this one started off with a piece of paper, and that is where the story begins…

With one complete interior and exterior the boys hit the road for their first major trip, the long drive down to Tarifa. On arrival their clinic awaited and then it was photo shoot time. These pictures were taken just yesterday and show the final finished beast. If you fancy taking on your own project then Colin is certainly worth chatting to as he will point you in the right direction and offer some sound advice.
A final word from Colin – “A really big thanks to everyone that made it happen, we are stoked to be on the road and she is behaving beautifully”.
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