Wave competitions – I need to be a landing loops to enter a wave competition.
Si Crowther and Andy Chambers explain why…
Simon Crowther:
“I entered my first wave comp only a few months after getting into the footstraps and harness, the only move I could reliably pull was the helitack.
“I attempted my first ever forward loop after just 8 months of windsurfing. I wasn’t even close to being able to gybe. Going to wave events so early may have been a genius move, I crashed everything so much that the advice from the pros came flooding in. Within a year of first stepping on a board I was sailing out of forwards regularly, I still couldn’t gybe… Two years later I won the Amateur wave title. The regular attendance to wave events (with all the free pro advice/coaching) and frequent time on the water accelerated my abilities.. I believe comps provide focus and it’s the fastest way to learn.”
Andy Chambers:
“Absolutely not!! You will learn so much by going to the competitions. It’s a great way to improve your sailing. As long as you are confident sailing around on the sea then get down to an event. There is always a fleet which will suit your sailing level or age!”