The SWA is full of amazing people: hardcore windsurfers, crazy party animals and a lot of people that put in a lot of work to make every student windsurfing event a massive success.
With the next uni year just around the corner Boards decided to take this opportunity to take a look back on the previous year, and more importantly the SWA people that made it so special.
So, we present the “The Boards & SWA Most Awesome Person of the Year Awards’ as voted by YOU! Nominated by the SWA committee these very special people now need your vote to become the champion of awesomeness.
Here we have it… all the nominees and now YOU can vote for the winner (at the bottom of the page). What’s the prize I hear you ask: pride, bragging rights, a jaeger bomb, plus most importantly a subscription to Boards magazine.
Voting closes on 31st August and the winner will be crowned at National Watersports Festival (if the winner is attending, which they had better be!).
Adam Chubbock – Southampton Solent University
(Just to be different, entry via video…)
Adam Chubbock from AdamChubbock on Vimeo.
I deserve to win because… I created the windsurf team at my university 2 years ago, which brought together 25 members of all levels. ‘Solent Windsurf Team’ won 9 Gold Medals, 5 SWA Champion tittles and 3 University Sports Awards. We got team of the year from our university and I was awarded Male Contribution to Sport for Solent University. I won BUCS Team Racing Gold 2012 and 2013 and SWA Overall Champion 2013 I hope the team continues to provide as much success and enjoyment as it has over the past two years. Dreams have been realised through this team and it has been a pleasure to be the captain. The Student Windsurfing (SWA) tour has taken us all over the country and we have had a lot of fun on the way. I would Recommend it to anyone doesn’t matter what your level.
Jarrod Zancanella – University of Southampton

Years Windsurfing: 10
Windsurfing History: I learned to windsurf when I was vacationing in Cancun, and I have been hooked ever since. Before coming to university, I lived near a hotel in Bermuda, so I used to borrow their windsurfing kit. In the UK, my university is near to loads of awesome windsurfing locations so my windsurfing has really improved.
Motto: Sleep when you die!
I deserve to win because… I am the most awesome! I’ve been involved in SWA since I was a fresher in 2009, so my awesomeness is well documented. Every SWA event I go to, I have an awesome time, and I’m looking forward to another awesome year with SWA!

Jamie Richardson – Liverpool University
Years windsurfing: Well… About 3 properly!
Windsurfing history: Having windsurfed a bit before uni, l joined the club… I was tempted away from sailing as it was just more fun windsurfing with my mates! After being coerced into the role of president the rest is a blur (and too many photos I’d rather forget!)
Motto: Shut up and sheet in!
I deserve to win because… erm… to be honest I was amazed at the nomination! I’m not an awesome windsurfer at all! However it got me thinking, as soon as I discovered the SWA at the nationals 2010 I was left buzzing; loads of super keen windsurfers and a party on a BOAT! Needless to say I wanted to keep getting my fix and make Liverpool a big player on the scene. It took 3 years (and some great committees) but we brought the club from 6 to over 60 members and it’s safe to say that I, along with Olivier Ayache, sealed the club’s place in SWA history with the epic party stealing 16 way beer bong!

Olivier Ayache – University of Liverpool
Years Windsurfing: 7
Windsurfing History: I started at the age of 14, and was taught by my friend Cory. However, after soon breaking his board, I was given an old Bic Techno to learn on! I started to get more involved in the sport after joining the windsurfing club at uni, attending as many SWA events as I could, becoming an instructor and recently learning to vulcan.
Motto: Play hard, windsurf harder!
I deserve to wind because…I tried harder than the rest to ensure there was wind at the SWA event (Liverpool Northern Monkey) Liverpool hosted and that I helped organise!
I used the unique opportunities the SWA provides to try competing in a freestyle competition for the first time, as well as attending my first wave event, and even being persuaded to compete in team racing that lead to a pleasing result for our team.
I am committed on and off the water – from helping bring unis together in orchestrating a Saturday night team building apparatus to playing ball and wearing fake tan that really didn’t want to come off for days!
As Co-President of Liverpool University Windsurfing Club I have given up a lot of my time helping run the club, from instructing, to raising funds, organising events, and ensuring every windsurf trip to the lake has been totally free, as well as ensuring as many could get down to as many SWA events as possible and benefit from the unique opportunities the SWA provides.
Now I have given back to my club, I want to give back to the SWA. So I am currently aiding with the design of the new SWA website, and will be joining the SWA media team for the coming year.
Along with my committee I have worked in securing a National Lottery funded grant to gain further kit for my university club. Through this project I will be giving back to the community in providing free lessons to children from a deprived background.
But most of all it would be nice to get a certificate at the end of these four years at uni showing what I’ve done with my time there, since it’s not likely to be an engineering one!

Louis Morris – University of Bristol
Years windsurfing: 10
Windsurfing history: Learnt to sail at Siblyback Lake in Cornwall age 8. Windsurfing took over because it’s awesome. Windsurfed every Saturday with kids club. Enjoyed Team 15 events so got keen on racing. Was in 2009 Techno national squad, then RSX 2010 & 2011: best result 6th Youth Nationals. Went to uni and learnt to party with the SWA. Currently addicted to wavesailing and winning UKWA Inland series for Raceboard. Off to the world champs in September.
Motto: ummm… go windsurfing whenever it’s windy and try to push your level every time.
I deserve to win because… The SWA is awesome, I’ve missed only 1 SWA event since I started uni, I’ve won the SWA race series the last two years, BUCS silver, love windsurfing: usually first on water and last off (more or less), and my fancy dress efforts have come a long way, they’re almost good now!

Karen Dunn – University of Liverpool
Years windsurfing: probably about 7-8, but that has mostly been focusing on the lash, so only now just an intermediate ha ha (ekkkkkkkk).
Windsurf history: I am from Cornwall so it had to be windsurfing, but has taken me so long as have been distracted by the awesome lash parties and mincing. I love all the peeps, it is like a community and I have been to many amazing places windsurfing from Rhossy in Wales, to all the different unis. A highlight had to be being Liverpool’s social sec for three years and windsurfing in 6 inch glitter heels!
Motto: Work hard play harder!
I deserve to win because… I have windsurfed in the sunshine and snow at Pondlife this year! I promise to improve my crazy windsurfing in heels and bring lots of banter to the amazing lash ups!

Ben Page – University of Southampton
Years windsurfing: 9
Windsurfing history: I started at age 11, my Dad taught me. Two years ago I bought a freestyle board and now I like to go as big as I can, in waves or on flatwater. I am now living the life, working as an instructor at Club Vass.
Motto: Life is much more fun when you’re wet.
I deserve to win because… I have an endless enthusiasm for windsurfing and the SWA. The Student Windsurf series was the highlight of my first year at uni. I always turn up with the most overloaded vehicle and always go for it on the water regardless of the conditions or temperature.
Ben’s blog –
Cornwall Roadtrip from Ben Page on Vimeo.

Nia Humphreys – University of the West of England (UWE)
Years windsurfing: 3
Windsurfing history: Started as a complete beginner in 2010 with UWE Windsurf and quickly progressed into an intermediate by BUCS National Championships the following year. Became UWE Windsurf ‘Social Sec’ in my second year of Uni and was voted ‘President’ last year. Been to nearly every SWA event since being at Uni.
Motto: Don’t count the days, make the days count.
I deserve to win because… I honestly wasn’t expecting this! I was really keen to have a bash at wavesailing this year, so I was so gutted when I broke my leg before Aussie Kiss (only to find out it was broken on the Monday after AK)! Despite this I still managed to attend every event with the SWA race app as I was the only person who had it on my iphone! I loved it though! I have a severe case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) but even though I couldn’t windsurf I picked up some really helpful tips from the rest of the SWA crew.
I love going to SWA events because you always meet new people and instantly make new friends which has resulted in me going to Dahab at the end of August for month with windsurfers from UWE, Bristol and Liverpool! My first competition after recovering from my broken leg was at Nottingham where I placed second overall in the Intermediates and then managed to get a Bronze at BUCS National Championships in April!
Some people think I’m a bit of a nutcase but with a positive attitude comes positive results I always say! Then comes the fancy dress party… no one can doubt that we all love dressing up so it’s just another excuse to come to these events and UWE always brings it, not to mention we won UWE Best Club for the second year running! A great way to end what has been a truly epic SWA series!

Simon Garrod-Bell – University of the West of England (AKA UWE!)
Years windsurfing: 4 ish
Windsurfing history: I started at UWE, the chilled vibe of Uni Windsurf had me hooked. 2 years as a beginner took me to Start Instructor when it all came together. If the SWA are on tour, you’ll find me giggling like a girl crashing a planing gybe or helping at the beginner beach.
Motto: If it puts a smile on someone’s face, it’s got to be done.
I deserve to win because… I’m just a regular intermediate grasping for that elusive planing carve gybe, but since taking up the sport at Uni I’ve been devoted to promoting the sport.
When I first joined, the club was 5 people strong. Even though only a beginner, I threw myself into the sport and the club, subsequently voted to be president of our club. It started from organising our club, scrounging any funding possible for new kit, to orchestrating twice weekly training sessions come rain, hail or snow.
Three years on, our club now maintains 69 members, has introduced 140 beginners and is awarding RYA Start Certificates. UWE has recognised the club with an award for UWE Most Improved Club and for the last two years in a row we won the esteemed title of UWE Best Club. Not directly because of me, but from the close knit group of friends I helped bring together who have equally worked to make a top club.
Throw in a house party every other week on a whim, a passion to smash out the best possible fancy dress on the cheap and regularly host windsurfers for a weekend with a cooked breakfast, it’s no surprise I’m not a fan with the neighbours.
On the national scene I’ve assisted the SWA in the mind boggling task of herding cats… sorry… finding, planning and organising 30 odd Instructors to teach 150 beginners at the annual Aussie Kiss Windsurf festival.
You’ll normally find me at the SWA events on the beginner beach mucking in. After I had a hard and slow start in the sport, I think it’s essential to give those who want to give it a go, to have a great time and achieve. As I don’t seem to win any medals or competitions, could I just be awesome? With so many amazing individuals that bring all the energy to the epic SWA community and events, I see this as a fierce competition! DANCE OFF!!!
It’s time to have your vote…
[poll id=”21″]
Voting closes on 31st August and the winner will be crowned at National Watersports Festival (if the winner is attending, which they had better be!).