The recent PWA in Podersdorf saw the freestyle pro tour reach a new level, with the top guys landing moves most of us can’t even name, let alone land. Max Rowe has been steadily climbing the rankings and this event saw him taking a very respectable 13th on the world stage, Boards catches up with Max to find out more about the event and his performance.

Name: Max Rowe
Sail no: K 20
Previous best PWA result: 9th Austria 2011
Result at this event: 13th
Did you prepare any differently for this event? Not especially! I have been in Maui for the 5 weeks before so I’ve had plenty of time on the water. Also, sailing with Gollito everyday for those 5 weeks might of been helpful.
Were you feeling confident going into it? I was feeling pretty confident especially as it was looking we would get some strong wind. Once you’ve registered though and have a look through the elimination ladder its easy to get a bit nervous as the fleet is at such a high level at the moment.
Where were you aiming to finish? I didn’t really have an aim but getting in the Top 16 is always nice.
Who’s your biggest rival? Bubble!
What moves did you land that you think saw you through a few heats? Burners and air funnels were probably my stand out moves I did in every heat. I’ve been training them really hard so it was good to see that pay off.
Did you almost beat Gollito? Mmm I didn’t check the score sheets but I seriously doubt it. He was on fire!
Who’s your money on for the title this year? Steven? Gollito? Well, now that Gollito’s won the first event it’s pretty easy to stick with him.

What was the best move you saw landed and by who? Relatively simple but one of the Shakas I saw Gollito do was just ridiculous!
Worst crash you saw? Balz Muller always has the worst crashes. One pasko crash he had looked savage!
Who had a tantrum after they lost a heat? Scheffers wasn’t too happy after Beholz kicked him out of the single early on, he did go on to fight back to 5th in the double which was pretty impressive.
Who won beer pong on the last night? There’s never a winner in beer pong because if you win a game you have to stay on and play another game and carry on drinking… haha. Yeh the last night of any event is always pretty wild.
As well as competing on the PWA and UKWA tour Max will be coaching this summer at Club Vass, for more info on getting coaching from the world’s best head to