After two years with Fanatic and Simmer, Danish sailor Robert Sand has joined the Tabou/Gaastra international team.
Sailor Profile
Name: Robert Sand
Sail no: D-62
Age: 30 yrs.
Maritial status: Not married,- but has girlfriend.
Lives: Klitmøller- Denmark.
Merits: Danish Champion in waves 2002-2005, a few finishes in the top
20 in the pwa waves and freestyle. 17th Sylt 2005, waves. 17th Pozo
2004, waves.
The last two years I was on the Fanatic and Simmer team and have now
changed to Tabou and Gaastra.
Born in Klitmøller in Denmark, where I still live. I will be competing
on the pwa tour in waves this year and also concentrate on doing photos
and travel stories.
As well as competing, I am also involved in doing DVD´s and have been
involved in making the DVD “SPAM”.
Drives: Transporter – an old banger!
Would like to drive: Transporter, a bit newer.
Favourite meal: Something Thai or Mexican.
Most inspired by: People inspire me every day, some people for what
they can do while they windsurf, others just for what they are.
To me windsurfing is: The most amazing sport I have tried, and I will
do until I can´t anymore.
Best place ever sailed: Probably Gnaraloo in Australia, but nothing
beats a good day at your home break with the mates.
Most scary situation ever experienced: Got nailed at Cray Fish Factory
in Cape Town, by a 6-8 meter wave. Went over the falls and ended up in
the kelpforest, pretty hairy. Two irish dudes came up to me afterwards
and said, they thought I was gone when they saw it.
Favourite move: Either a tweaked aerial or a onehanded backloop.
Words to live by: If you don´t go,- you will never know.