Dunky – Top Of The List at Karpathos
Under almost pefect conditions Björn Dunkerbeck (AND) wins the ISA Speedsurfing Grandprix 2006 at Karpathos, Greece
Since the beginning he showed up in best shape and got during the last days again and again souverän top of the list of about 70 surfers. He was the fastest men in this competition on the 250m course with 40,01 knots / 74,09 km/h. World record holder Finian Maynard (BVI) was third placed after the first leg but got then a top speed is finally the second before Patrik Diethelm (ITA).
The women do not have to hide their results. The 6 women in this competition perfectly started. The proud winner is the fastes woman on water in the world, Karin Jaggi. She did not want to reach a new Rekord but won with beachtlichen 35,39 Knoten / 65,54 km/h.
Best German is a Amateur. Björn Haacke, selbst Wassersportler und Kampfschwimmer, took part in the competition just for fun. He got the 13th place in ISA Speedsurfing Grandprix 2006 at Karpathos with 38,28 knots / 70,89 km/h directly behind 12 Pros, who live for speedsurfing.
Karpathos showed up best during this event. The Riders were surprised by best conditions at the island for this competition at the little Mittelmeerinsel between Crete and Rhodes, that allow to surf really fast. Perfectly flat water, a rauer und constant wind with at least 6 beauforts as well as a temperature of 35 degree ließen schon bei der Ankunft die Herzen die Surfer höher schlagen.
The ISA Speedsurfing Grandprix Tour is for the first time at Karpathos. At the event site at Devils Bay the speed surfer find best weather and wind conditions from June to August with 6 to 8 beauforts, temperature of 30 degree and constantly flat water.
Since 2004 the ISA Speedsurfing Grandprix Tour is taken place at 3 to 5 places around the world.
Distances are 100, 250 und 500m. Next Location is Namibia in October 06. There will meet the best Speedsurfers from all over the world an try to reach new records.
The International Speedsurfing Association, Media Office Karpathos, Greece, +30-2245091023 (until Sept., 1st)
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.speedsurfing.org