Trevor Funnell has an important announcement re EFPKT Event at Hove Lagoon on 5/6 June.
In the last few years there have been many UKWA windsurfing events at Hove Lagoon with overnight camping and daytime parking always allowed on the promenade.
Brighton and Hove City Council have just decided to rigidly stick to their rules and have completely banned vehicles from the promenade at any time of the day or night.
They have also refused to allow overnight parking at and severely restricted vehicle access to the Lagoon itself, as well as warned that local on street parking restrictions will be enforced.
Despite a lot of negotiations, pleading and promises from myself as well as the Lagoon management the council will not accept any compromises.
There are no campsites or other parking areas within a reasonable distance so this has made it impossible to hold a large windsurfing event at that location and no alternatives are available.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the short notice and any inconvenience it may cause but it is with regret that we must now cancel this event.
We will of course try to find another venue and reschedule the event for a later date, we will advise you of this in the near future.