Here’s the latest release from the American Windsurfing Tour after the first day of action at Ho’okipa (overnight for us Euros!)
Today kicked off the first day of competition in the Makani Classic 2011. The weather started off cloudy and cool but as the day progressed, we saw more sunshine and the wind and waves picked up – allowing for some exciting windsurfing. The Amateurs competed first, showing off some great talent. Next, was the Masters. Although this division is for our oldest competitors, they displayed classic style mixed with inspiring passion for the sport. Conditions stayed steady as we got into the Expert division. We saw a mix of clean, technical wave rides, risky aerial manoeuvres, and some personal flair from all of the riders.
Rounding out the end of the day was two of the four Women’s heats. Those talented ladies were ripping right to the end. After the first two heats, Head Judge, Matt Pritchard, decided the conditions were not suitable to continue. Tomorrow we will finish the remaining heats from Round One and move right into Round Two of the competition.
Thanks to all of the spectators who came out to watch and support our windsurfers! The beach was covered with colorful sails and the hillside with tons of fans. We would also like to say “Aloha” to all of our fans who watched LIVE from home! Tune in tomorrow [from 9pm UK time] ]for more action at www.americanwindsurfingtour.com/live-4