Over 80 competitors have now signed up for the first PWA Formula racing
event for 2002. A lot of them are already on site training and tuning for
the event, which is due to start in Leba, Poland, 7th to the 11th of August.
Leba, is a renowned holiday resort, so we expect spectators to be part of
the spectacle both on and off the water. Poland is famous for it¹s summer
time crowding of the beaches during July and August, so courses will be
set close to the beach to give everyone the best possible show.
Most recently on the list of entrants is long time PWA racer and Former
PWA Wave World Champion Patrice Belbeoc’H (Neil Pryde) from France and PWA
veteran Phil McGain (Gaastra) from Australia, who now at the age of 35 and
39 respectively will be showing most of the young guns how to race. Some
of these young guns as first time PWA entrants, include the winner of the
under 22 division from the Brazil Formula World championships Aleksander
Grynis (Starboard) from Poland, Gonzalo Costa Hoevel (Neil Pryde,
Starboard) from Argentina, Ross Williams (AHD, Gaastra) from the U.K.,
Youth Formula World Champion 2001, Michael Polanowski from Poland and
Devon Boulon (North, Mistral) from the US Virgin Islands.
Other consistent movers from the Formula racing scene, that will be
threatening the top positions during the event include Sam Ireland (North,
Starboard) from Canada, Jamie Lever (Starboard) from the U.K., Ben Van Der
Steen (Fanatic, Neil Pryde) from Holland and most recently signing up, big
Marc Conrad (Gaastra, Starboard) from Brazil.
The women’s fleet is hotting up with Sarah Herbet from France, Margit
Germany from Austria to join World Champion Dorota Staszewska (Starboard,
Neil Pryde) from Poland, Lucy Horwood (AHD, Gaastra) from the U.K. and
Verena Fauster (Starboard, Gaastra) from Italy.
Event entries will now be accepted at or fax +48 602 145 602, +48 22 614
23 68.
Event entries will now be accepted at info@namaxa.com or fwc@fwc.pl or fax
+48 602 145 602, +48 22 614 23 68.
For all event information go to www.WindsurfingEraCup.com and