Busy putting together their great range of sails, the 5 Oceans team take the afternoon off to get on the water…
With a promising forecast, the 5 Oceans crew treat themselves to some time off, or should we say, some ‘product testing’? Have a look at some of the great images of team rider Ian Black below, check out the rest of the shots on the 5 Oceans BLOG and explore their awesome sail range HERE.

“We are busy, sometimes I think too busy, especially when we are just a little bit behind on the orders, something has to give and the first thing to go is taking the camera to the beach. Its great getting good shots of the sailing, and we have a fabulous backdrop in Cornwall, with some of the best sailors and simply the best scenery so it was nice to take the afternoon off enjoy the sun and warm and get some pictures of Ian Black sailing one of our local spots. I’d be sailing myself….. but the coarse sand that can be seen in the pictures rather puts me off!”

All images courtesy of 5 Oceans.