Do the walk; forget the talk. The attitude we’ve come to see from
Whiteboarders has paid off. Gaastra Kiteboarding and Windsurfing has just
made the move to join in the fun.
Dave White: I’m really stoked to have the chance to work with Gaastra and
the guys, our paths have crossed many a time on the water. Back at the
first freestyle event in Sotovento I was asked to show one of the entrants
how to do the reverse monkey gybe. Little did I know that he was a future
World Champion!
The boys at Gaastra have put their heart behind both Kiteboarding and
Windsurfing to make Gaastra a big player. Its good to hook up with Kevin
Prichard again, but I guess he’ll be doing the instruction from now on.
Whiteboarders have been a little quiet on the Kiteboarding scene, but it
is rumoured that the beach just around the corner is now known locally as
Kite beach. When pushed, Whiteboarders Niky Boy Green confessed that he’s
been hard at it with the kite and is trying to bring some of his
competition wakeboarding experience with him. No doubt it won’t be long
before we see him around the events.
Nik Green: we’ve been talking about Gaastra for awhile, didnt really want
to wait, but now its here and the reaction is fantastic. Gaastras going to
fly, in more way than one.
For all Gaastra Kiteboarding and Windsurfing product information contact
Whiteboarders on:
Tel: 01206 309800
Email: Gaastra@whiteboarders.com