


White Air 2003 Extreme Sports Festival – October 25th – November 2nd

White Air, Europe’s largest Extreme Sports festival brings together eight
awesome watersports and land sports including five UK and International
championship finals. It is chance for the World sports stars to mix and
for amateurs and youths to compete alongside one another at the same place

and at the same time.

From the Zapcat powerboat racing to the sheer radical style of the
Kiteboarders, Wavesailors, Slalom Racing, Surfers, Mountain Boarding
Freestyle, Skate, BMX and Trials. In all 500 competitors will be
descending on the Isle of Wight compliments of Wightlink and the IOW
council creating intense action on land and sea throughout nine days.
Backed up with the UK’s premier trade and demo displays, entertainment
every day and every night and two massive weekend parties.

And if that’s not enough there will also be free introductory lessons
compliments of the UKSA and XA in Windsurfing, Kitesurfing, and Mountain
Boarding, the chance to try the latest extreme sports equipment on offer
from the top manufacturers and the chance to test your kite skills on the

Kitesurfing freestyle simulator based in the massive 60m indoor trade
facilities, with café and bar on site.

The events:

EVENT 1; ZapCat RacingUK Championship Finals. October 25th/26th

EVENT 2; UKSA Youth AcademyWindsurfing/Kitesurfing. October 25th-28th

EVENT 3; Wightlink Wavesailing British Championships( UKWA Finals).October

29th 1st Nov

EVENT 4; Wightlink/Wipika Kiteboarding International Open(KBBT Tour
Finals).October 30th -1st Nov

EVENT 5; Windsurf Magazine Slalom Racing Finals(UKWA UK Finals).October
31st -1st Nov

EVENT 6; Wightwater/Offshore Sports Surfing Open.October 31st Nov 1st

EVENT 7; Scrub /ATB Mountain Board Freestyle24/25th Oct and 1/2nd Nov

EVENT 8; Moreys Skate/BMX/Trials Open24/25th Oct and 1/2nd Nov

Ferry Travel; Wightlink are offering superb discounts for competitors and

spectators at approx ½ price.

Tel;…0870 5827744

The White Air 2003 / IOW Extreme Sports guide is available and this 32
colour booklet will give you all the maps, locations and information about

the IOW plus a full run down on all the events and top competitors, plus
sponsors and accommodation details, the massive White Air parties and
nightly entertainment schedule.

For more info on the festival, sponsorship and trade opportunities,
accommodation, travel and official guide, and the park and ride facilities

that will be in place please check out the festival site; or email;

Festival Hotline Tel; 00 44 (01983) 409617

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