Here are a few more details to get you a little bit more excited about what’s happening at this years Aussie Kiss, only 3 days to go…

AKXII sees the return of Getwindsurfing’s Phil and Danielle as our headline coaches, this year they will be helped out by Ollie Acton, Josh Farmer and Ben Lee.
Danielle will be working hard with the SWA instructors to deliver 3 beginners sessions throughout the day. Beginning at 11.30am, 12.45pm and 2.30pm. With the aim of teaching over 163 beginner to windsurf in one day!
Phil will be running 3 clinics as voted for by the SWA members: 11.30am Improving stance and using the harness, 1.30pm Planing control and using the footstraps and 12pm (Sunday) – Jumping and Q and A.
Headed up by a group of XSWA legends: 11am Tow in freestyle clinic and practice with Ollie Acton and Josh Farmer. 1.30pm Vulcans, Spocks and a freestyle Q and A with Ben Lee, Ollie and Josh.
We will also be running team racing and a freestyle completion that will count towards the SWA series.
Prizes up for grabs include holidays, clinics, clothing, vouchers and much, much more.
Please note anyone needing any last minute windsurfing items including wetsuits, boots, boards, sails, masts and more please contact Ian at Boardwise (01543 505084) and he will deliver directly to you at Aussie Kiss!

At 7pm on the Saturday evening at Bude we will be showcasing the UK premiere of Below The Surface.
Below The Surface is a movie produced and edited by Andre Paskowski. Andre, who sadly passed away earlier this year, suffered from cancer for years, defying all the doctors predictions, even to his final days. Perhaps it was his passion for movie making, his passion for life that helped him on his way. Either way his final masterpiece moves all emotions from exhilaration to anxiety, fear to passion and love to sadness. It pulls us close to those in the movie and takes us far from the maddening crowds of Europe. Yet still some of the down to earth windsurfing that many of us know is highlighted in a certain section featuring Klaas Voget. Overall the movie portraits Victor Fernandez, to bring his personality to everyone’s hearts, to travel and windsurf with friends of his to his favorite spots in the world. Ultimately this is all achieved and it is without a doubt Andre’s most outstanding movie to date.
Ollie Acton will be on hand to selling a few of the DVD’s, be sure to grab them quickly as they will run out.

Jo Wright, SWA Marketing Manager: “This years Aussie Kiss is set to be the best yet! With some awesome coaches and more sponsors than ever before! We are extremely excited and honoured to be given the opportunity to premier Andre’s movie, I am sure it will be extremely popular with the students. Let’s keep are fingers crossed for wind and sun!
“See you there!”