We reported last week that the Techno 293 Worlds are about to start in Holland, now we catch up with coach and entrant Ali Yates who has made the decision to enter the event alongside the kids she coaches!

We travelled to Medemblick yesterday. Bit of a mission leaving home in the North West of England at 6:00am to get to Dover. Ferry to Dunkirk then drove up through France, Belguim into Holland past Amsterdam to arrive and pitch a tent at 11:00pm!!!
Racing starts on Tuesday so today was “pimping my sail” and getting the GBR and I love Slimming World stickers all over it. Ian Roberts is here to look after the 7.8 national sqaud, Alex Griffiths is looking after the 6.8 national squad and Ed Strange, Beth Williamson and Stuart Hards looking after the other guys on Techno as coach support. That includes me racing in the Techno open fleet. We went through kit prep and short sharp session afloat as we don’t want to get too tired out before the racing.
Great atmosphere as the other nations are arriving, set to be the biggest worlds ever with over 400 boards entered.
It’s been an awesome couple of days. Was out training with the GBR kids yesterday and as predicted they all kicked my ass!!!! Love it how they think it’s so funny and have adopted me as a 7.8 member of the squad ;0)
Today was pretty breezy and lumpy, had to get used sailing this humongous kit when I would normally be on something somewhat smaller!!! Learning curve but great fun ;0) Also had to get my kit measured and verified that it is the one design official kit.
Getting busy now, Japan, Hong Kong and Italy turned up today. Practice race tomorrow against all of the nations.
It’s an amazing thing. I came into windsurfing too late to do this as a kid and have always felt I’d missed out so actually as a child of 37 I feel I’m back to the childhood I’ve never actually left!!!