As you begin to consider where to get your windsurfing fix in the dark days of next winter, give those colder months some bright shining light and consider a Jem Hall ‘Beautiful Brazil’ coaching clinic and of course enjoy a fantastic holiday.
The bookings for this Brazil combo clinic are now hotting up. You can choose to take clinics in both Icari and Jeri in succession or just do one with some practice / holiday time pre and / or post clinic. Intermediates or first timers on a trip with Jem are urged to take the less challenging Icari clinic as a warm up in readiness for the more advanced conditions of Jeri.
Jem has lined up a fantastic beach buggy ride North for the trip from Icari to Jeri as the tour moves destination. Over the past few years Jem’s clients have pulled off all manner of stunts from faster gybes to first loops, and definitely moved from winners to wavesailors whilst on his reliably windy clinics in Brazil. There are a host of connections through Lisbon to Fortaleza making it an option for many international clients.
The clinic dates as a guide are November 25th to Dec. 5th with a myriad of options. They are for Advanced Intermediates to Advanced sailors who are waterstarting, blasting in the straps solidly and making a few gybes and are hungry to: gybe better, tack, learn to jump and really fly, loop, wave ride and style up their sailing.
Jem’s energy and enthusiasm is second to none; his coaching is 100% dedicated to your development and he will also ensure your improvements continue upon your return as he helps you learn how to learn and empowers you to take action to really move your sailing forward.
More details on: http://www.jemhall.com/windsurfing_in_brazil.asp
Bookings are through Sportif Holidays on +44 (0)1273 844919 / info@sportif.travel