Join us on the at 11.30am GMT, Tuesday 7th February for our first ever one hour LiveChat, allowing our readers the opportunity to put the best in the business through their paces. Opening it with a bang will be none other than one of the greatest racers in our sport – Antoine Albeau.

The 19 x World Champion, who recently signed with RRD, will be with us from 11.30am GMT for you to ask him any of those burning questions that you have always wanted. Make sure you schedule in that early lunch break, grab a sandwich, a coffee and you’ll have one hour to ask away…
In a forum style question and answer format Antoine will pick out the questions you ask and answer as many of them as he can in the hour. Check back here soon for more details on how to get involved and start jotting down your questions.
‘don’t forget to remember it‘ – Antoine Albeau bringing an exciting new development to windsurfing media…