Being part of a windsurfing club adds a whole new dimension to the sport, taking it from a fun sport to do on your own, to a great experience every time you head down to the beach or lake. Bray Lake is a thriving club on the outskirts of London, as well as regular session at the lake they also head a little further afield on club trips too.
Here’s the latest tale of their trip to Dale, by club member Candice.

Thursday 8th May, and it’s wet.. I mean REALLY wet – 216 miles of solid downpour to be precise. Whilst resigning myself to the idea that the first of our bi-annual trips to Pembrokeshire was going to be a washout, something changed.
Was that the sun creeping through? Whoop – Yes! The final 13 country miles winding from Haverfordwest through to Dale were brightening. On arrival into the bay some of the guys could already be seen out on water so what better way to unwind from a long miserable drive, than to grab an inflatable 10’6 from the boot and get out with them for a cheeky SUP before decamping to The Griffin for a bite and some banter.
Despite the poor outlook, 10 Bray friends and members turned out to be rewarded for their efforts. Friday morning kicked off at various B&Bs with a Full English to fuel the day. Gathering on the beach the enviable ponder of conditions and rig requirements commenced. Following some faffing about, splashing about and profanity with a 5.5 – I got it right the second time. An offshore provide some lovely flat water for me to get back into a Windsurf on my 4.75 whilst the big boys blasted along the bay. We earned our dinner and beers, that’s for sure.
Saturday morning saw even stronger winds blowing through. Was I man enough? No – sadly not with limited water time to speak of in 2014 and nothing smaller than the 4.75 in my quiver. Something to work on me thinks. Instead Chris and I headed out for a morning walk along the coastal path before reassessing an afternoon on the water – glad the wind didn’t change direction and sweep us out to sea as I didn’t have my ruby slippers to hand to take me home – Let’s just say it was bracing.
Whilst the others took to the water in Dale again on the Sunday morning, I decided to head off for a stop on The Gower Peninsula on the way home. Meeting up with UK SUP event regulars Alan & Emily for a SUP Surf at the beautiful Oxwich Bay. Something new for me as the last attempt I had at surfing was a body board in Newquay as a child. A fun few hours, albeit maybe not for the local fishermen. My cackle was likely to scare off the fish – the whole bay knew I had arrived. Mental note to self – when trying to SUP Surf – pack the right leash. Those coils really do work!
Active, but a change really is as good as a rest.
Contributed by: Candice to the Bray Lake Blog.