Francisco Goya headed over to West Wittering Windsurf Club on Saturday 9th July. With the help of Rick from Zero Gravity, he brought a selection of 2011 and 2012 Goya boards and sails for demo.
Francisco and Rick arrived in the early morning and were greeted by warm sunshine and a blissful, summer, 20 knot breeze. It was low tide at West Wittering and the ‘trench’ just inside Chichester Harbour mouth provided some of the best possible demo conditions – 5.3 weather, warm water and hot sunshine!
Francisco Goya has an incredible amount of infectious enthusiasm for the sport and was getting everyone on the water on the new gear, running from sail to sail to make sure that not a single piece of gear went out without him tweaking it to perfection whilst explaining exactly what and why he was doing it.
Francisco headed down to the water to coach the kids from the water’s edge and later mentioned that he couldn’t believe how good the sailing was at West Wittering and how perfect it was for everyone to get out on the water together.
The conditions in West Wittering on days like this are always easy and fun for all – flat water in the lagoons and trench and small waves breaking onto the sandbars for jumping.
Everyone made the most of the Goya demo gear, which included the Goya 2011 Custom Quads, Goya Ones, Goya FXR freeride boards and 2011 and 2012 Eclipse, Guru and Banzai Sails. 2XS have been selling Goya boards for a while now and will be shortly adding the Goya Sail quiver to the website.
The West Wittering Windsurf Club barbecue was fired up for lunch and Francisco, who is normally nearly vegan, was taken in by the smell of Waitrose finest…
It was a truly great day and one of the best demos we have ever seen. The 60 year age range present gave testament to this and more importantly than anything else, everyone had fun!