We have some great news to start off your week – especially if you’re into speedsailing! The organisers of Weymouth Speedweek have announced that entry is now open for the 2015 event…

“The first and the longest running speed sailing event open to all types of wind powered craft starts on Saturday 3rd October. We look forward to seeing friends old and new from across Europe at this years event.
“We eagerly await sight of the World Record holder Sail Rocket 2 which is now back at Weymouth and hope that conditions allow Paul Larsen to sail her on the 500m course.
“So come and see how close to 65.45 knots you can get!
“To register to take part this year and for further information please go to http://www.weymouthspeedweek.com/
Registration Guidance:
“If you haven’t already done so create an Account. Which you can do via Take Part > Create an Account. Then log in, complete the Entry Form and Pay the entry and hire fees. For those who have an account simply log in and complete the Entry Form. If you cannot remember your account details such that the reminders don’t work, or you no longer have your old email account just make a new account. If you want to register several people then log out and make a separate account for each person.
“We hope to see you at Weymouth this year, either on the water or watching.”