Fanatic announce the launch of a new addition to their slalom board family…
As the Slalom discipline sees a resurgence in popularity and more and more people are getting into speed sailing, Fanatic have noticed a gap between their smallest slalom board and their dedicated speed board.
To fill this gap they now announce the release of the Falcon 79. At 56cm wide it seems to fit the bill perfectly between the 51 Speed board and 59cm Slalom. We hand over to Fanatic Brand Manager Craig Gertenbach to explain more:
“Over the last few seasons, we have seen slalom growing from strength to strength, in both classic slalom racing, but also GPS sailing, where in lighter winds slalom boards are used. However we have also seen a “gap” in between our smallest slalom board and the biggest/widest speed board. So a lot of speed sailors are looking for a slightly bigger board than our Falcon Speed 51(51cm wide) for gusty, inconsistent conditions with bigger sails.
Whilst a lot of slalom sailors who are not limited to the PWA 3 board rule, are looking for a smaller board than the Falcon 89 (59m wide), especially for using in high winds with smaller sails. So we asked our Slalom R&D Manager and top World Cup sailor, Peter Volwater, to work with our Dutch speed expert, Peter de Wit, to find a board that could work for both worlds. During the intensive R&D phase, Peter&Peter and Fanatic shaper Sebastian Wenzel, found the perfect combination of control, speed, lift and power, to work with a big variety of sail sizes and water conditions.
At 56cm wide, the Falcon 79 is the perfect high wind slalom machine, whilst at the same time the solution for all speed/GPS sailors, looking for that “missing link” for less than perfect days to hit incredible top end speeds. We are more than excited to see what our team can do with it now!”
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