Juice VanSports sponsor John Palmer and pimp his ride…
Freestyle and wave sailor John Palmer has recently hooked up sponsorship with Juice VanSports. After purchasing a new van, John was left with the inevitable dilemma – convert it yourself? Or have the professionals do it? Choosing the latter option, John is definitely happy with the results…
” Juice VanSports hooked me up with the pimpest van line out ever! I had the van insulated, carpet lined and with the roof done too. We swapped the standard T5 seats for some really comfy captains seats, put in an extra window and interior lighting. Check out my blog for some more chat on it.”

“I’d like to thank Gump at Juice Vansports lots for all the time and work that he put into the van to get it ready in time. It really is top quality. If you are thinking of getting your van converted or lined, or racked out I’d give Juice a call!”

You can read John’s full write up of the conversion on his blog HERE and find out more about Juice VanSports conversions HERE.