North Sails introduce their new freewave designs for 2012 – more at

The fifth evolution step of the DUKE. No other sail can covers such a broad range from Wave to flatwater Freestyle! No other sail adapts to all conditions and surprises with its versatility. To achieve this versatility far-reaching innovations and countless prototypes tested in the most different conditions were necessary. Therefore designer kai Hopf has involved the whole team to guarantee that the DUKE works for any rider and condition.
No wonder evolution that even at the current DUKE never stops. The main objective of the team was an even better handling to allow for even more radical freestyle tricks through a reduced swing weight. Kai Hopf has found ways to reduce the sail weight by approximately 10% without sacrificing strength and durability! In addition, he shortened the luff length, which leads to significantly simplified control. In addition, Kai gave the brand new DUKE a more elastic feeling, which gives lots of confidence for even the most difficult maneuvers.
In summary this means: Significant lower weight and improved handling which makes the DUKE feel even in your hands and gives you maximum room for your own style. As a power wave/freestyle sail the DUKE works best on single-fin boards.
Key Features:
New: weight reduced by approx. 10% makes for even lighter handling – quality still guaranteed through
our unique 5-year-warranty
New: iBumper – the most advanced molded mast protector
TWIN.TRIM.CLEW allows for individual tuning increasing the range of use

Totally new, totally radical and fraught with the greatest addictive: ID ultralight – the signature model of Victor Fernandez Lopez, Wave World Champion 2010! As the name suggests the ID is a mix between ICE and Duke, which combines the best of both worlds (up to 5.0 based on the ICE design, 5.4 and bigger based on the DUKE design). The result is a super lightweight Freestyle Wave sailing range, which uses the futuristic high-tech laminate “ODL” from yacht sails instead of traditional XPly. This material is 50% lighter than conventional cloth sail and pushes the weight to incredibly low values. To clarify: The weight of the ID ultralight corresponds to a 1.5 square meters smaller DUKE / ICE (eg 5qm compares to 3.5 square meters)!
From the first second the ID ultralight is the talk on the beach. It feels absolutely neutral, does not show any unwanted life of its own and is a feather in your hand so that you nearly forget about the sail during moves and maneuvers. This is one of the most important aspects especially of freestyle! It spins incredibly fast through all tricks even during the most difficult duck moves and feels as if you rotate without sail. With the ID ultralight the success rate of difficult maneuvers and the fun increases abruptly making you automatically go for even more radical moves!
Designer Kai Hopf has compiled the ID ultralight without any compromise. Compared to ICE and DUKE the ID feels a bit softer and adapts to any rotation almost automatically. Not only that maneuvers are becoming much easier but also get performed with more speed. This is due to the sophisticated profile distribution.
And all of this over a wide wind range as the ID ultralight has a surprisingly large trimming range. Two important points:
– All ID ultralight are deigned for RDM masts, yet fully compatible with our SDM masts.
– Even if other brands do not speak about it, we tell the truth: maximum light-weight can only be achieved through the reduction of material thickness. Since the film thickness of the laminate ODL yacht is reduced to the absolute minimum, the UV stability is limited. Therefore, this sail is excluded from the usual NorthSails 5-year warranty!
Key Features:
New: ultralight weight through the use of high-tech Yachting cloth makes for unmatched handling
New: iRocket – lightest NorthSails batten tensioner ever (weight reduced by sensational 50% compared to previous model)
TWIN.TRIM.CLEW allows for individual tuning increasing the range of use

On the brand new ICE Kai Hopf has digged deep into his bag of tricks. At first glance, perhaps you just realize the new design and the more compact appearance – the 2012 edition of our World Cup wave sail has made a big step forward to get the maximum out of any situation and take the victory – even in the most critical conditions!
Numerous changes are hidden in detail. E.g. the shorter luff has a very positive effect. Everything feels more compact and at the same time more neutral and makes the ICE easier than ever to handle. The handling has improved significantly, without loosing any planing power of its predecessor thanks to a modified luff curve and optimized profile distribution. It is unbelievable how just a few centimeters can change!
In addition, key success factors were obtained of the ICE. E.g. the unique base geometry, which will particularly when descending the wave of absolute neutrality. Or the impressive performance over a very wide wind range and the instantaneous reaction. This affects the iMODULAR.DESIGN and decreased by 10% sail weight advantage. Working best on single-fin boards, the ICE was designed for all World Cup spots, it functions equally well from Ho’okipa to Sylt, to Gran Canaria or at your favorite spot.
All ICE sizes were designed for RDM masts, but are still compatible with our SDM masts. That’s why the new ICE feels softer and can be easily controlled and pumped onto the plane. These abilities are also supported by the modified luff curve and the optimized leech tension.
ICE HD Ultimate durability in the most brutal conditions: The Ice is also available in monofilm-free, hardcore X.PLY version!
Key Features:
New: weight reduced by approx. 10% makes for even lighter handling – quality still guaranteed through our unique 5-year-warranty
New: iBumper – the most advanced molded mast protector
TWIN.TRIM.CLEW allows for individual tuning increasing the range of use

Already the first tests had shown that we were at the beginning of a revolution. No matter who got the brand new HERO 4 batten wave sail in his hands, no one wanted to give it back. The HERO is adjusted towards Marcilio Browne who does not want to sail with any other sail anymore – it just fits perfectly to his sailing style and the new multi-fin wave boards!
Almost everything is different: The HERO is the impressive production of an ultra modern 4 batten wave sail, which is repleted with the finest components and technical know-how. Regardless of under- or properly powered up, too much pressure or too little, this sail always generates power without becoming unstable. Despite a further draft back position it doesn’t become back handy, even when overpowered. This let’s you imagine, how much the wind range has improved compared to previous 4 batten sails!
The low weight makes for an increadible handling. While rigging you can already imagine how light and soft the sail feels. The rotation is smooth as silk, even with minimal outhaul tension. On the water it immediately appears that your back hand is the throttle. Just sheet in and the HERO immediately builds up power, speeds up, and gets you going. On the wave it becomes a discreet engine always ready to accelerate when needed. The top is working very effective supporting the power. Therefore, you can safely choose a sail size smaller than with many other wave sails. This applies to almost any rider, regardless of weight.
Kai Hopf developed the BALANCED.LUFF.LENGTH, a precisely balanced ratio of luff length to boom length. As short as possible for most radical throw-ability and as long as necessary to generate sufficient stability for maximum wind range. Design, processing, shape and features as the new iBUMPER mast protector make the radical HERO a perfect package that can measure up to the future in the competition must.
IMPORTANT: the HERO is exclusively designed for RDM masts due to its narrow sleeve and elastic characteristics. The smaller mast diameter perfectly matches this softer feeling sail and shorter luff.
Key Features:
New: iBumper – the most advanced molded mast protector
BALANCED.LUFF.LENGTH: as short as possible for maximum throwability – as long as necessary to still guarantee high-end control
TWIN.TRIM.CLEW allows for individual tuning increasing the range of use