From March 2011 Pete Davis from the UK will be taking over the running of the ISWC speed world cup. He succeeds Markus Schwendtner from Germany who was instrumental in the resurgence of speedsailing internationally but due to work commitments has not been able to give his full support to the tour in recent months. Pete has been involved in speed sailing for many years and was President of the ISAF class for Speed windsurfing ( ISWC). His experience as one of the organisers of the legendary Weymouth Speed week and a board member of the World speed sailing council which presides over speed world records should stand him in good stead with his new responsibilities.
Pete said “I am apprehensive and excited about taking over the reigns of the tour. It is a tough time financially on a global scale but the demand for events by the riders has not diminished so with help from the rest of the speed council I am confident we can deliver a great tour and hopefully expand on what Markus has achieved. The big initial change for 2011 will be the European tour which will take the best results from any three participating National competitions to crown the European king and queen of speed. The speed world championship venue is yet to be finalised so keep an eye on the website for more updates www.speedworldcup.com