After a couple of years just ticking over, the world famous Gath helmet brand is set to make a resurgence back into the UK market. Gath say they have seen a huge increase in interest in their lids recently and they put it down to the fact that the level of windsurfing is really being raised around the country. It is common place now that at beaches all over the UK people, who never previously dreamt of it, are rolling into manoeuvers like forward and push loops. The addition of the helmet just seems to give that little bit of confidence that many people need to get them to pull that trigger and go for it! The Gath helmets are simply the lightest, best fitting and toughest helmets on the market and have two decades of history behind them. With temperatures dropping in the UK rapidly now a Gath lid as the added bonus of taking the sting out of the air as well as boom, mast, board and water. Graham Ezzy can’t be wrong!
Take a look at to find your ideal helmet and a local stockist.