The FireMove 130 and 140 complete RRD’s highly acclaimed FIRE MOVE range and will be available this summer.
These boards incorporate the typical Fire Move lively feeling of great speed and top end control, along with the gybing sensation of a much smaller board. It is the closest freemove board to a pure freestyle-wave and the wide body of these new shapes allows for a better earlier planing capacity by keeping a relatively short compact shape, and with the boards reduced thickness you further benefit from a very stable platform throughout your gybes and tacks. Having a choice of three footstrap positions also allows aspiring improvers to grow with the board and use it from first time in the straps to full speed planing gybes!
The Fire Move 130 and 140 are the perfect boards for those looking for great early planing performance, easy top end speed and fun in light to medium winds and choppy waters without sacrificing manoeuvrability and will definitely put the Fire back into your sailing.
More details on – the FireMove is available now from your nearest legendary RRD dealer and now in 3 constructions including Ltd, Wood and the New E technology.
Check out for your list of retailers.

Jem Hall regularly uses the Fire Move, we found out more on why the the range working is so well for both himself, and clients:
“I have used the FireMove for coaching on my clinics and in flat water to small waves where it is actually quite responsive, and even for a big board it jumps and rotates very nicely.
I use the 110 mainly, for coaching and freesailing back in the UK, as it feels around 125 litres, planes like a 135 and gybes like a 110 – so versatile, fast and fun.
I use it as I can have fun going fast, plane early and really crank into gybes. With the middle strap setting, not too far outboard or inboard, I can also do carving 360s, jump and loop it. A huge benefit that I love, is that I can use a smaller sail which is easier to move around, as the board planes so early. My main sails used on the 110 FireMove are 5.8 to 7.5, of which the 6.5 Freeride Ezzy Cheetah, is the most used for coaching and freesailing in the UK.
People who want a fast board that is fun and really gybes well will love this board. It is a fabulous progression board as you can improve your stance and blasting on it, and then learn to gybe on it and keep it to really perfect your carve gybes and get those elusive planing ones. It is so versatile as you can treat it as on oversized freestyle wave or lock it down and blast away with the outboard straps in place. I love it and so do all the customers who have purchased one.
John Skye is also riding the Fire Move, although he tends to go for a smaller one in the range:
“The Firemove is so versatile I have used it in loads of different conditions. Everything from small waves, bump and jump style, through to flat water slalom style blasting with big sails. It’s so much fun to sail. It’s quick to plane, fast enough to be fun, has great pop for jumps and manoeuvres really well too.
You always have to consider the width of the Firemoves. As they are wider than normal, you have to basically add about 10-15L to the volume to get an idea of its relative size. For example the 100, which is the board I used the most, is actually much closer to a 110-115 board.
I have used the 100 with everything from 4.7 wave sail in waves, through to 8.0 Evolution freeride sail, and it has felt really balanced with everything. It has such a large useable range in both wind and in terms of conditions.
Everyone I think! I can see a big appeal for a wave sailor to have one of these as a light wind fun board for summer sailing. Also for someone like my dad who predominantly sails big freeride/freerace gear, the Firemove would be a perfect step down board. Also it gybes so well, that for anyone trying to master gybing, I dont think you could find anything better.”