The SWA team report from the latest round of student shenanigans…
Cardiff World Wave was the latest Student Windsurfing Association to take place. With a rather ‘iffy’ forecast on the cards, the students weren’t about to let a lack of wind and baltic temperatures slow them down. We hand over to the SWA to summarise the event…
“No wind and no waves; competition cancelled. But the party must go on!
Despite the call to abandon windsurfing due to the non existent wind and swell forecast 60 students still travelled west to Cardiff. The windsurfing was replaced by a weekend of partying and an epic day of paintballing.
“I’m not really here for the windsurfing, I’m just here to make friends” – Gareth Bevins
On the Friday evening of arrival the students gathered and hit the town. Tiger Tiger was the venue of choice. The drinks flowed and the dance moves went down till the early hours.
“Tiger is like; next level good!” – Joe Shuttleworth
Guest celebrity Mr Mugatu (AKA Tom Firth) of Zoolander fame brought some class to the venue. The SWA were delighted to have Mr Mugatu join us in Cardiff and we welcome his modelling talents at any future SWA event. Just whatever you do don’t touch his hat! Don’t believe me? Then ask Adam Harris.
Saturday saw the students unleash their lack of forecast frustration by covering each other with paint. The battle was fierce, medals for bravery earned and recognition given for skilled shooting. None will agree with this more than the bottoms of Rachael Ince and Alex Powell.
Beaten up and covered in mud, it was off to Puravida HQ in Cardiff for a well deserved cup of tea, some windsurf movies and a browse round all the shiny toys.
Back in Cardiff the evening’s events got underway, with good food, many drinks and an epic house party before heading to the famous Cardiff SU for more drinking and dancing antics.
Sunday just came too quickly, if only the weekend could last longer. Gradually throughout the day students headed back to their home university sad to leave but happy in the knowledge that there is only 2 weeks till the next SWA event where we can do it all over again. Let’s hope this time we get some windsurfing in!”

The third and final event of the Puravida Series will be hitting Portsmouth on the 24th of February. For more information check the SWA website.