On Saturday 14th July Simon Bornhoft will be heading to Grimwith Reservoir, as part of his UK summer tour. This course will be aimed at intermediates, and there will be a whole host of demo equipment also available from Juice Boardsports.
To book head to the Windwise website.
And head to the Juice Boardsports for more of their latest news and deals.
Simon has also from returned from a great wave clinic in Moulay…
With no wind before we arrive and no wind after we left, we were lucky! We had a mix of conditions with SUP’ing and three good Moulay days of windsurfing. Not Moulay at it’s best, but sufficient to get some good sailing and have a fabulous week.
Moulay’s a great venue to run our intro to wave sessions and the skills we went through gave everyone a better understanding of what they should be doing and what they can achieve in a wave environment. The primary objective is to learn to be ON the wave rather than IN the waves, so we went through everything from getting out through waves, jumping, wave selection, catching waves and then what to do on them! From hovering to catch a wave to front and back side wave riding (first time for many of the crew) everyone work extremely hard and caught a wave! So we hope that this is the beginning of move wave sailing experiences and gets everyone in the right frame of mind with the right skills set for a great season ahead.

It was a really fun week on and off the water, so a big thanks to the everyone who made it such a great trip!
We’re planning to return in 2013, so if you want an intro to wave sailing or you’re looking to raise your current wave sailing skills join us in Moulay, Mauritius or maybe one of our UK Wave sessions. MOULAY 2012 We’ve just returned from our annual trip to meaningful Moulay.
To book for all other International Simon Bornhoft clinics click here to head to the Sportif website.