Simon Bornhoft reports on a successful WindWise Boards & Banquet 2010…

What a night! Champagne reception, five course dinner and entertainment by Channel 4’s Dirty Tricks star comedian Pete Firman, all followed by some pumping sounds late into the night. The Windwise end of season Boards & Banquet party was one of the largest gathering of windsurfers in 2010 and a hit with everyone who made their way to Hayling Island! Along with the top class food, entertainment and music, there were some award winners too!

Colin Gorham: WISEMAN AWARD 2010 “Most improved”
Penny Wiles: WISEWOMAN AWARD 2010 “Most improved”
Richard McCadden: WISEDISMOUNT AWARD 2010 “Most effort in a move”
Kia & Jasper Rogers: FUTUREWISE AWARD 2010 “Youth over experience”
Harry & Ed De Blaby: FUTUREWISE AWARD 2010 “Youth over experience”
Allan Cross: WISEAMBASSADOR AWARD 2010 “Services to windsurfing”

For more details and photos – check out!