The Robin Hood demo day, held at Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club on Grimwith Reservoir, was a massive success with both wind and sun making an appearance on both days.
With all new kit from Goya, Quatro, Point-7, JP, Neil Pryde, Fantatic and North available to demo the saturday was good 7.5mtsail freeride weather, with Chris Bond (Formula Racer) setting the pace for the regulars. The day finished off with a fantastic BBQ held by the sailing club and some people sailing till sunset.
Sunday proved to be an even better day on the wind front, with the first sailor out being on a Goya Banzai 4.6 and Goya Air board – one hell of a start! The wind held for a good couple of hours and gave people the chance to try out some of the smaller kit, until late afternoon when it dropped a touch and the 5.7m and 6.0m were making an appearance and tempting a few more beginners to have a go.
All in all it was a fantastic weekend with fantastic people, big thanks to the hosts Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club and their fabulous facilities and also the suppliers for all there support.
Looking forward to the next one, details of course will be on Boards.
Check out more on Robin Hood on Boards.