Phil Richards and Danielle Lucas are not only both top level instructors with over 20 years of experience between them but they have also competed on the UK and PWA freestyle competitions. They will be joining us as our freestyle technique gurus for 2012. Purely focusing on the stages of freestyle from the word go. You will find through the series that their tips are both informative and intuitive, which might just get you thinking a little bit outside the box…

Who are GetWindsurfing?
Phil Richards and Danielle Lucas are the team.
Profession: Professional Windsurfers, Windsurf Coaches & Photographers.
Years Coaching: 11 years for Phil & 6 years for Danielle.
Coaching Level: We can coach a wide range of abilities from those who want their first experience on the board to getting in the straps, help get around or fine-tune those Carve Gybes, boost some jumps, shred some waves or get spinning with the freestyle. And all the other little bits too.
Favourite move: Phil likes a big Shaka, and Danielle loves riding down the line waves.

Favourite Location: There are almost too many to chose from but we have had epic sessions in the UK, Egypt, Ireland and South Africa to name a few.
Favourite Kit Setup: Any of our superlight Severne S-1’s, The F2 Rodeo 90 for the freestyle and a lovely little twin or quad for the waves.

UpWind 360
Is a move you can do in a wide range of conditions in & out of the footstraps. It is a very important skill to learn if you are an aspiring freestyler or wave sailor. To learn, it helps to have a big board and smaller sail, but as you get more confident you can mix the kit up a bit.
Popping the Board.
The first aerial move you are likely to learn. It is a great feeling to get the board in the air for the first time. Popping the board out of flat water is a great skill to learn for your freestyle tricks but it will also help improve your jumping for the waves.
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