Jon's View
Jon's View
Here is what Jon had to say about it:
“It’s great to be a part of Jim’s speed success from his first Moo to him now nudging fifty knots on Moo Two!! West Kirby and Luderitz are very different sailing spots. West Kirby favours a slightly shorter board with a chunkier rail profile for easy starting and rapid acceleration, combine this for control for the end of the run. The winning factor in certain conditions is getting further down the wall than other boards purely on control. Don’t get me wrong it’s no arm chair ride, its just slightly less on the edge of death than other boards!
“This is the beauty of the custom construction being so stiff and light, all the power from the rig goes directly into acceleration so to also have control is the winning factor.
“I really enjoyed making this board and apart from the chilli red I had cart blanche with the design. I’m chuffed as a badger with the results but still cleaning up the red dust in the workshop even weeks after!”
Jim Crossley K33