A couple of weeks ago Boards launched ‘8 Riders Under 18 That Will Blow Your Mind’ (if you haven’t checked it out yet, do it now) in a bid to find which young rider most impressed and inspired YOU.
Moritz Mauch was the undisputed winner, ahead of Jules Denel in second. The two riders couldn’t get more different… Mauch loves riding and is apprehensive of jumping due to a previous injury, where as Denel is known for his no holds barred, slightly crazy jumping style. But you voted for riding style over jumping madness…
So, Boards caught up with the super talented grom to find out a little more about him and why windsurfing is a amazing sport for kids…

Name: Moritz Mauch
DOB: 24/03/1996
Years windsurfing? 8
How did you get into windsurfing, and why did you start?
I started windsurfing both of my parents were windsurfers and in front of my house I saw people windsurfing every day. Also, my Dad runs a windsurf school in Bahia Feliz (Gran Canaria).
Where do you live, and what is your local windsurfing spot? I live in Telde, it’s 15 minutes from my home spot Pozo Izquierdo.
Why is windsurfing so great for kids/teenagers? Because when you are on the water you forget about everything and you just have fun.
What is the first move that you learnt? Probably the tack, hahah.
How long did it take you to learn to carve gybe? I don’t remember exactly, but I had a good teacher hahaha, my Dad.
What new moves are you trying now? Right now I really try to land my air-takas more often and then I have to improve a lot on my jumping.
And what move would you like to try in the future? Double air-taka
Who did/do you look up to in windsurfing? Who inspired you? Probably all the pros from Pozo, I watched them sail everyday and they gave me good tips to keep improving; besides those I think Levi, Kauli and Brawzinho.
Who else your age impresses you? There quite a bunch of guys that sail really well, and a lot more that I probably don’t know, guys like Alessio, Pablo and a lot more all over the world.
Who are your good friends that you like windsurfing with the most and why? Obviously I sail a lot together with the Pozo locals specially with Alessio and Pablo, it keeps motivating you more and more sailing with good friends.
Windsurfing in 5 words: Fun, Happiness, Freedom, Fun and more Fun.
You thought Pozo was all about the jumping? Not for Moritz…