Boards catches up with current leader of the BWA tour, Ross Williams, to find out what equipment took him to victory in the tricky, light conditions in Ireland and what he plans on using in 2014…

Ross Williams
Height: 6’1
Weight: 88 kilos
Poison, the 5 batten power wave sail, it’s a bit gruntier than the others.
Every size from 4.0 up to 5.8, and I have a 3.6 as well but that’s the IQ four batten.
On the PWA I really need every size and the small gaps, because I think it’s a little more key to be perfectly powered up, maybe I become a little fussier too and could do without it though! If I have the option I would rather have the choice to be perfectly powered up.
For real world conditions the Poison has been the best choice for me this year.
I previously always used the Manic, I really liked them this year as well, but the Poison just fits a lot better with UK conditions. I love that having the Poison over here I can enjoy sailing it and I know if anyone jumps on my gear they will love it too. The Poison is a great sail for the UK, for the bump and jump, real world conditions we get over here, plus it’s a little more forgiving for the sailor, you can get away with a few mistakes and the sail will help you out still.
I really like how the sails have changed my sailing, they’ve fitted my style really well.
I think next year I will change back to the Manics, they both seem really good so maybe, actually I will use a bit of both.

I have the whole of the Pocket range now, so the 93, 85, 80, 75 and 69. They’re all working really well for me, I just found for the conditions we sail in, especially at competitions, where you can be under powered then overpowered, the Pocket is the best for these conditions. It has a great range, it might be as loose or high performance as the Da Curve, but I find it better all round.
The 69 does feel a little bigger than it is compared to some other brands, in fact all of the boards feel a little bigger than their size. When I’m on my 69 most of the other guys are on around 75.
I tend to use the Pocket boards with a tri-fin set up as it comes. I might switch around a little and put a smaller centre fin from a smaller board. Before I always used quads and set up my Da Curves as quads, but now I really like the set up of the tri-fin.
I have lots, mainly so I can rig everything, plus have spares and demos.
4, that’s more than enough.