Robby Swift is tipped by many as a man to watch in Pozo, as Swift waits for the wind and waves Si Crowther took a closer look at his gear and storage set-up.
“Swift’s paid €300 for 3 weeks of 1/3 of a storage locker over here in Pozo. It might seem expensive, but he says it’s well worth it. Swift is sharing the locker with Brawzinho and Campello, and all of them seem pretty pleased with their decision!”
Swift’s Pozo Quiver
3.3-5.3 Combats
“I choose the Combat because it is the sail best suited for the conditions over all the events we have on tour. I don’t really like switching from one sail to another so I try to stick with one. I do actually have a 5.4 Atlas with me as well just in case it is really onshore as that sail has a little more power in the really low end. I love the Fly in Maui for down the line conditions and I might use it there if the wind is constant but if we need to jump and I have to sail over powered, then I will choose the Combat for sure. It is the most all round wave sail we have.”
3x 340 FX100
5x 370 FX100
4x 400 FX100
2x JP Thruster Quad 73
2x JP Thruster Quad 83
2x JP Thruster Quad 93
“I have worked really closely with Werner on the Single Thrusters, now turned Thruster Quads over the past several years, so they are basically the shapes that I would choose for custom boards. I don’t think there is a better board for the kind of conditions we get on tour. They are really versatile with the different fin options, fast, early planing and very good on the wave. I have never been happier with my production boards so it’s great to be confident with my gear set up.”
Maui Ultra Fins X Quad / X Twin R in 9cm/14.5cm for the small boards
Maui Ultra Fins X Quad 9cm / 15cm for the medium and big boards.