Coaching and training will hugely benefit your windsurfing, what ever level you are. The RYA join Boards to talk about what training you could look for and why:

There is no denying one of the most awesome things about windsurfing is the time spent experimenting, trying out new skills and mastering different conditions.
You may already have done RYA Stage 1 or Start Windsurfing courses and got a decent grasp of the basics, so practice plus a bit of trial and error and copying stuff you have seen your mates pull off or on YouTube, is the next natural step isn’t it?
You don’t need any more formal training to keep having fun windsurfing do you?
If that describes you, the simple answer is ‘No’, you are right, there is absolutely nothing to stop you just grabbing your gear and getting out on the water.
But scratch the surface even a little bit, and you will quickly find there are heaps of reasons to get properly trained; embedding core skills to assist a positive learning experience and leading to better windsurfing opportunities than you ever thought.
As Amanda Van Santen, RYA Chief Instructor, Dinghy and Windsurfing, explains: “We are all about building confidence. Trial and error inevitably means mistakes, and if those mistakes create a situation where you get frustrated at not being able to do something are you eventually going to give up?
“Enjoyment is ultimately the only reason anyone keeps doing any sport. If you learn how to do something properly you enjoy it more, which fuels the encouragement and motivation to continue and learn more.
“Getting expert advice accelerates learning, and also assists in overcoming any hurdles experienced when learning or improving techniques, so you progress faster.
“There are some incredible windsurfing challenges, locations and opportunities to explore all over the world, our sport has an almost limitless global playground. But these can only be taken full advantage of by feeling confident in your own ability.
“Training provides structured, enjoyable steps to help you move forwards and become an experienced, confident windsurfer. What could be more exciting?”