There are a number of windsurfing DVDs on the market, but one in particular has caught our eye recently. GoPro with Colin and Marco combines the knowledge of two experienced coaches with slick production and a lot of camera angles to make one of the easiest to understand coaching DVDs in a long time.

What is covered?
A whole range of moves including lightwind, carving, upwind, jumping and freestyle extras.
Colin and Marco talk you through each stage of each move in a very clear and concise way, making it easy to understand. They used a huge variety of camera angles to film each move both from afar and up close, so you can see exactly what each body part should be doing. This is what sets GoPro aside from previous coaching videos, it reinforces the importance of each step and part of each move.
Don’t miss the ‘Mistakes’ section, highlighting the common mishaps from each move and how to avoid. This part for each move is definitely worth a watch, at the very least for the comedy crashes!
Who is the DVD aimed at?
GoPro with Colin and Marco focusses on moves and whilst there is a lightwind section to make the most out of the coaching delivered you would want to be a competent windsurfer – planing in the harness and footstraps. This does not by any means indicate that you should be pulling off planing carve gybes, in fact the opposite is true. The coaching in this video can take you from blasting, through corners and into your first flat water tricks; if you are at the comfy windsurfing stage where you can happily blast around but want to take things to the next level this is absolutely for you.
Two landmarks moves in windsurfing, the carve gybe and forward loop, are delivered particularly well, so if you’re looking to start trying or determined to land either of these moves we are certain the tips from Colin and Marco will help. Again, the mistakes sections are a must watch for these two and pay close attention to the hand and foot movements.

Where can I buy?
The GoPro with Colin and Marco DVD is available at a number of retailers as well as directly from their website here.
Want coaching in person?
Colin and Marco don’t just do DVDs, oh no you can also catch them at various locations around the world sharing their wisdom and getting to take your windsurfing to the next level. A full itinerary of their clinics over 2013 can be found here.
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