Pilates isn’t just for yummy mummies… honest!
Here the RYA share exactly why Pilates could actually be the key to improving your windsurfing:

You know that feeling you get when you walk out into cold water, and everything kind of, well, clenches?
Who would have thought the muscles that make that happen – and that stop girls peeing for that matter – would make you a better windsurfer?
Stay with me on this one…..
Boards are starting to come out of hibernation, and windsurfers are thinking about enjoying some quality time back out on the water.
Windsurfing is a seriously physical sport; light winds equal more exerted pumping, while when the breeze is on the focus is more on muscular strength and endurance.
A good aerobic base is really important as injuries happen when you get fatigued. The better your cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength and endurance, the longer you can windsurf without tiring and the less likely you are to pick up injuries.
But many of the actions in windsurfing are the exact opposite to things we do in everyday life and our bodies are asked to get into, and stay in positions, that just aren’t natural for them. And all this is happening on an unstable platform, i.e. moving water and against wind, where balance is never split 50:50 between each leg.
Now back to those ‘clench’ muscles….