In this instalment of his comprehensive series examining every aspect of wavesailing, Jem Hall reflects on the insights and pearls of wisdom discovered by some of his clients while DTL wavesailing out in Baja, Mexico. Pix by Clark Merrit…
As we now look to the jet stream and low-pressure systems to work their magic, I hope you’re working on the questions I posed last month and looking for that sometimes-elusive self-improvement. As I keep stressing, it is what works for you that is so relevant, and this is why I’m handing over this month to my San Carlos squad of wavesailors for their tips. You might think bald Yoda’s tips are all well and good, but sometimes the best advice comes from the people who are feeling the move at that time. This is why I use feedback loops while I coach – it allows everyone to say what was working well for them, and, just as importantly, why they felt it was working.
Last August I embarked on a dream trip out to Baja San Carlos, Mexico, courtesy of SoloSports Adventure Holidays. I will give you more on this awesome venue in a travel article to be featured later, so for now just let it be known that it’s consistent, accessible, down-the-line (DTL) joy! I took along a posse with me to assess its viability as a future clinic destination (which got a big thumbs up), and of course so they could enjoy some proper waveriding.
Much to my posse’s amusement this was actually my holiday, so I will hand over to Steve Carpenter to describe what I was like as a punter. “In reality this meant that we only got about two hours of ‘feedback’ a day rather than the usual 12! Jem re-rigged all of the Ezzy sails in the hire centre, repositioned all the footstraps on the RRD boards, destroyed all harness lines less than 30″, and offered ‘top tips’ to all and sundry. Okay, I’m exaggerating slightly… Very slightly… But you get the picture.” [Oh yes. We get the picture! Ed.]
Click here to read Jem’s Wannabe 246 article in full…