In this instalment of his comprehensive series examining every aspect of wavesailing, Jem Hall kicks off his fully frontside series…
Now that you are dialled-in from your wavesailing circuit training it’s time to capitalise on your changes in psychology, fitness and technique and get you ripping while you go fully frontside. The action of frontside waveriding is making turns away from the wind, with your front to the wave, as you work towards more radical and aggressive turns at the bottom and top of the wave. You’ll be using the sail, but will start to understand how best to use the wave and what kind of turns it is asking of you.
For this series I will be using a variety of pictures and insights from my coaching and drawing on the deep reservoir of my clients’ experiences as I tap into their realisations. I’ve just completed my first coaching week out in Punta San Carlos, Baja, Mexico, courtesy of SoloSports, and the prevailing cross-off winds and predictable peeling waves served as an awesome training ground and shooting arena.
So let’s get down to the nitty gritty and highlight the plan of attack with our tried and tested formula as we move you from Winner to Wavesailor. (And yes, this DVD will serve as the most valuable resource ever in reference to these articles).
What – we’ll be looking at how to get out, what to catch, how to ride the wave frontside and get you attacking the lip and the rights of way in this arena. Plus there’ll be many other gems of insightful knowledge from my clients and yours truly.
Who – anyone can go frontside, and on this last trip I had a range of abilities from just-about carve gybers to loopers. An ability to perform competent front foot (more on this later) fast carve gybes will aid your progress in smooth bottom turns – and if you can’t tack you can’t wavesail!
How – I’ll be looking at your overall game plan, presenting tips, breaking skills down through the use of pictures, and imploring you to practise certain drills. I’ll also draw heavily on what I’ve learned from coaching my clients and the feedback they’ve provided.
Where – frontside waveriding is a dish best served in cross to cross-offshore winds, with the latter giving you more speed and cleaner wave faces. So keep an eye out on your forecasts and seek out these conditions for your next sessions and trips.
When – throughout the autumn and winter we’ll examine the main points of frontside riding and progress through to getting you more rad. I’ll present waveriding on a SUP in the spring / summer months next year, and (depending on other shoots) more jumping stunts will also be covered at a later date.
Why – well, once you’ve had one of your first proper frontside rides you’ll know. Many people say this is the best part of windsurfing, so we ask you to come with us and enjoy the journey as we take you from Winner to Wavesailor and implore you to be the best and most complete wavesailor you can be.