New Web Cam at NCI Exmouth now operational
The National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) is a voluntary organisation set
up in 1994 to restore a visual watch along UK shores after many small
Coastguard stations were closed due to Government cutbacks. NCI is a
registered charity (1045645) controlled by a board of Trustees with a
Constitution agreed by the Charities Commission.
Since 1994, NCI has set up visual watch stations at 28 locations along the
coast, from Lands End in the South West to Hartlepool in the North East.
NCI Exmouth is one of the busiest stations in the network, which, in 2004,
recorded in excess of 9,500 boat and water sport movements with 32
incidents, (life or injury threatening) reported to HM Coastguard.
To celebrate National Coastwatch Institution’s 10th anniversary, NCI
Exmouth has installed a revised website, a new dedicated web cam, a
weather station & statistical data base allowing all those who use the
coast for water sports to consider whether the sea conditions are within
their abilities. By providing these facilities, we hope to significantly
reduce the need for Lifeboat & Coastguard call-outs.
NCI Exmouth was able to install the web cam and data and ensure it was
fully operational by March 2005 with the support of Branch Patron & Former
F1 World Champion Nigel Mansell OBE, of Woodbury Park Golf & County Club,
and new Patrons John Hibbard K007 and Judy Spiers of BBC Radio
Devon. Additional donations from East Devon District Council, Exmouth
Town Council and other leading local businesses were also received to
enable these facilities to be purchased and installed.
The revised web site, web cam and data pack, which costs over £3K, is a
single unit with a four positional viewing format covering the area out
into Lyme Bay covering Orcombe Point to the Exe Estuary. The Met Office
has given additional information to our existing weather package including
shipping forecast, inshore waters forecast, observations page, plus a link
to Marine Call.
The weather data pack will be used for educational purposes at local
schools in the area, with St Peters School, Lympstone, the first to use
the data for a year 7 & 8 project, and it will be presented to parents,
teaching staff and pupils later in the year.
For further information on NCI Exmouth and cam facility contact or PR & Marketing Officer, Roger Vernon on 01395 277247, or e-mail