The weekend of October 6/7th saw a fun race to mark the end of Gower Windsurfing’s
summer season. The event had people entering from as far away as New Zealand,
but surely the most impressive entry had to be Alan a local sailor who, is a
self-confessed 73 and a half! The weather varied from marginal 6m weather on
the Saturday to maxed 4m weather on the Sunday. The event was very kindly ponsored
by the Oxwich Bay Hotel who provided much needed food and refreshment after
the event and was advertised live on Swansea Sound by Andy Langley on the day
itself. Everone who came along really enjoyed themselves and plans are afoot
to expand the event and increase the number of entries next year. Andy is still
around at the moment and is very happy for people to come and sail with him
on Gower’s beaches, or to come and try, or preferably buy, their new test centre’s
Simmer sails and Quatro boards. But you’d better be quick, because by the time
most of you read this he’ll
be in Maui. Andy assures us however, that he’ll be back on 29th March in good
time to open for the Easter weekend…! Bookings for that w/e are now being
taken on 01792 391686 or e-mail