RYA Windsurfing is delighted to announce Neilson as the first Gold Sponsor
of the new RYA windsurfing initiative – team15. Through their
sponsorship, Neilson will be supporting one team in each of the nine RYA
Zones. Within each zone an annual series of four inter-club events will
take place, which are set to start the season later this month.
A team of 15 youths (aged 15 and under), known as the racing team15’s,
will represent their club at T15 events across the country. Neilson will
be providing a set of branded race vests for up to 135 children, who will
take part in the T15 inter-club series.
Every team within each zone series will wear a different colour race vest,
clearly identifying the teams. It will be clear to all of the spectators
at events, which team is leading the fleet and Neilson are obviously keen
that it will be their teams who are at front of the pack.
For details of the T15 inter-club series, please log onto the team15
website www.team15.org.uk – visit THE ZONE ZONE or look on the message
board calendar, alternatively email windsurfing@rya.org.uk or call 023
8062 7456