The Issue:
Longboards, some might say that they are the king of all surfboards. With a life
spanning over several decades, there’s no denying that they paved the way for
past generations of riders and set the progression of the beloved ocean sport
in endless motion. Longboards are engrained in the ethos of surfing.
The recent Prestige disaster has highlighted an already difficult situation.
Over 30,000 litres of crude oil has been spilled into the ocean so far, affecting
beaches, wildlife, the water and the local population. In the UK over 300 million
gallons of sewage are discharged to sea each day . Many of the UK’s coastal
resorts are affected by these effluents that are either untreated or have undergone
minimal treatment.
The Tour:
Recognising this issue, Surfers Against Sewage and Oxbow UK are proud to present
‘Longlife’ an artistic exhibition of Longboard designs, created by some of today’s
upfront creative minds and inspired by the threat of coastal pollution.
Ten artists have donated their talents and support to this cause: Maia and
Damien Hirst, Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz and Tank Girl creator), Banksy, Adrenalin
Magazine, Laird Hamilton (Hawaii), Paul Kaye (Dennis Pennis, 2000 Acres of Sky),
A (UK pop-punk maestros), David Carson (US) (‘Surf Culture’ designer) Surfers
Against Sewage and Designers Republic / Aphex Twin.
The tour will visit several venues across the UK, starting in London at The
Spitz Gallery, Old Spitalfields Market on 30th April and will be finishing with
a huge August event in Newquay, the true home of UK surfing. At this event,
each of the boards will be put up for auction, with all proceeds going to Surfers
Against Sewage..
The Competition:
Members of the public are invited to submit their own designs for a Longboard
graphic. The winner will have their concepts produced into a Longboard and will
be sent on an exotic surfing holiday for two. Time to get scrawling…
Since 1990, Surfers Against Sewage have been working hard to combat the causes
and effects of the government’s ‘pump and dump’ policies. Clean and safe recreational
waters, free from toxins, nuclear waste and other sewage related tripe is something
we should all have access to. Operating under a ‘solution-based’ policy, SAS
strive to educate the government of the problems that our waters face, striving
to make a change to help us all.
Since its creation in 1985, Oxbow has specialised in clothing and accessories
for the world of Surf, Snow, Wave and Racing sports. Oxbow is now one of Europe’s
leading boardsport clothing manufacturers and sponsor of some of the best riders
in the world today.
With the support of Oxbow UK and Surfers Against Sewage, Longlife will be a
landmark moment in the history of board art.
Need more info…
Please contact:
Dean Evans at Third Planet International +44 (0) 20
8968 8468
Penny Keen at Oxbow UK +44 (0) 20 7722 0200
Vicky Garner at Surfers Against Sewage +44 (0) 1872 553001