15-22 June 03
One for the girls…Whether you’re tired of being a windsurfing widow, stuck
on a plateau or already well on the way to being a hotshot, Club Vassiliki,
on the beautiful island of Lefkas, Greece is the place to head for this summer.
A special Women’s Windsurfing Clinic will be held at this legendary windsurfing
centre, from 15th-22nd June. Tuition will be provided by guest instructor, Lucy
Horwood, the current British National Champion and well known top International
racer, alongside Club Vass’s own top female instructors. With their experience
and understanding of how women learn best, they will be running dedicated girls-only
courses for all levels, from first steps to sailing in stronger winds, (footstraps,
harness, waterstart, carvegybe), freestyle and introduction to racing.
Club Vass courses will be running as normal for the guys and don’t forget there’s
a nanny on board this season to look after the nippers. Places are limited so
book early for the Women’s Windsurfing Clinic at the special discounted price
of £499 for the week, including flights from Gatwick, transfers, Club
Vass accommodation (allocated on a first-come-first-served basis), full tuition
and use of windsurfing and mountain bike kit.
For full details and information about other specials and guest instructors
throughout the season, call the office on 01920 484 121 or visit www.clubvass.com