With Big Salty Weather Team Member James Cox providing a glimpse of the games being played on Bruny Island, Tasmania – it seems there’s plenty going on in the southern hemisphere. More to come from there over the next few weeks as the forecast takes shape…
Big Salty provide some of the best forecasting available for the UK and International waterman (and lady!) For 2012, they have would like to know what YOU think of the website and any suggestions you may have. Read on to find out more.

“Calling all existing bigsalty.co.uk or bigsalty.com weather users. Big Salty Weather is running a survey whereby anyone who fills it out before the end of February can have the chance of winning a prestigiuous Big Salty hoody. The Big Salty development plans mean that they have got a lot to squeeze in to 2012 so all entries will help make a difference. You can do that HERE”
Catch your slice of the action HERE for UK forecasts, or for global forecasts HERE.