Windsurfing Blogger Zakel Caught up with PWA Wave legend Boujmaa Guilloul to ask him a few questions…

Boujmaa, what boards and sails are on top of your car roof on an average Moulay day?
71Evo, twin fin set up, 4.0 and 4.2 Gator.
Do you think that power wave sails enhance your jumping performance and why?
I believe, the more speed and more power you get in your sail, the higher you can go, and my sails suit me a lot for my jumps, I love them and I love the way they react to gusts and the control I have on them.
It seems that the quad virus hasn’t affected you. How is that?
I am using my twin fins for the down the line wave sailing and my single fin if I want to jump high.
What are the specs of your favorite custom board?
71L, twin fin, 55W, 221L.
How do you tune your equipment for jumping and how for down the line waveriding?
As I told you I use a twin fin for waveriding and a single for jumping, I rig my sails pretty baggy and always go smaller sizes, I put the mast track in the middle and the fins under my back feet.

You are widely known for your stratospheric jumps. What’s the latest stunt you’ve been working on?
Latest was a forward into backloop, I only can say this now and will see in videos online what happens in the near future.
Is 2011 the year that we’ll witness a triple fwd loop?
Will see, I cant say anything anymore if I am not even close to it, but I hope for the perfect set up to happen this year.
Watching you landing sick stuff I keep wondering if you have rubber joints… how do you cope with injuries?
In general I never hurt myself bad with radical things, only when I underestimate the situation then I get serious injuries, bad twisted ankle or things like that.. but so far nothing super bad to remember .
When it comes to starboard-tack jumping you are considered as one of the best sailors in the world. Honestly who could potentially win a jumping contest now?
The one that will sail the best the day of the contest, The level goes up and down, and I believe everyone sails differently every day, but anyone would because all the pros are amazingly good in everything.
Give us some hints on landing backloops while sailing totally overpowered (3,7m maxed out).
Move the back hand as far as possible to the back when going down to land your jump. Best to turn toward the back loop as late as possible.
You have traveled around the globe to some of the best windsurfing destinations. Name the 4 best.
Morocco, Australia, Maui and Cap Verde.
What action should be taken in order to bring new blood to our sport?
New ideas are hard to develop, but a great idea comes with time. I think, if it was possible to simplify our sport to be something possible for school kids to try and all sort of people, I think we will see lot more windsurfers. But we depend in weather, and its gonna be hard to make windsurfing a simple sport if we look at all the gear we need…. simple windsurfing will be the future.

To see more from Zakel check out his freestyle/wave orientated windsurfing blog at